In order to begin reading and performing other academic tasks, the child must first gather meaning from his/her world and develop an awareness of concepts.
To gather meaning from his/her world, the child must have many satisfying sensory and sensory motor experiences—touching, feeling, smelling, hearing, and seeing. The child interprets the sensory experiences and perceptual development follows, which is a prerequisite for developing the mind.
Each child will participate in a variety of age-appropriate activities such as:
- Working with paints, play dough, crayons, blocks, and other age appropriate manipulative materials.
- Story time, poems, and books.
- Learning to share, take turns, plan, work, and play with others.
- Learning to respond rhythmically to music, singing, and listening to appropriate music.
- Learning good health habits.
- Activities for large muscle development like crawling, jumping, and going outside to run, climb, and jump.
- Time and room to explore, experiment, discover, play, and be a child.
- Daily Bible teaching aids and stories that are relevant to their daily lives.
We use a Bible based Early Childhood Curriculum called WEE (Weekday Early Education) Learn. The curriculum is Bible based and is planned around themes with age-appropriate learning centers. We offer music and chapel for all ages in a fun environment. Music has an emphasis on movement and singing, and Chapel is a special time to hear Bible stories in a group setting. Computers and Spanish have been added for the Pre-School and Pre-Kindergarten classes. The computer education program will teach taking turns, eye-hand coordination, following instructions, and concepts such as over and under, left and right, colors and numbers, and problem solving. Library resources, with a good selection of literature, have been added to the program to supplement the curriculum and enhance the love for reading.
There will be quiet times during the day for rest and relaxation. CDO strives to provide a happy, clean, and safe environment for each child.

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